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Created in 2012

DriiveMe was born in 2012

2 000 000

Members across all of Europe

97% satisfied clients

Satisfaction from the 1st booking

1 000 000 Vehicles moved

Movements carried out on our platform

45,000 routes on offer

Trips proposed throughout the whole of Europe

Present in 6 countries

France, Spain, Portugal, U.K., Germany, Italy

Created in 2012 by brothers Alexandre and Geoffroy Lambert in France, DriiveMe is the first vehicle movement service proposing vehicle hire for £1 with a win-win solution for both the private individual and the vehicle owner. In order to balance their fleet of vehicles, car rental companies need to move thousands of vehicles every year.

To optimise these movements, DriiveMe proposes to move their cars using private individuals in the form of a £1 one way rental.
The launch in 2017 on the European market, starting with Spain and Portugal, was piloted by Constantin Lambert, 3rd brother of the family. In 2018 the expansion into the UK was led by London-based cousin, Trevor Lambert.

DriiveMe is today also developing its platform for the UK market with cousin Trevor Lambert at the helm, further continuing the family success story.